Saturday, May 16, 2020

It’s the best time to be a gravedigger

It’s a lie that migrant labour is on the road
They were always on the road, if not crammed in urban shitholes
We would pass them on wheels; they were just a banal backdrop,
We were eyes back on our smart phones
And then Corona pressed the pause button
Like a sudden speed breaker, we asked the driver what happened.
There is a notice that said “road blocked”, we reversed and another said “Dead End”
It occurred, we are trapped and in isolation hells
Nameless but not faceless, formless but functional, they are no more the quick past tense
We had to lick our fresh wounds of puss and smallness
Those we called favours we doled out to our domestic help were over
It dawned we are as much as needy as them
For a while we played the Insta game by showing we do cleaning, mopping, cooking, as its our Pilates
And then hit us the reality,that any benefit mindset is in the past
We are not collectively grieving,rug pulled out
We are sharing “the reality” of everyday poor-mans living
Half salaries but full respect needs to be paid
Like them we have to go. Obstacle headfirst
Reintroduce us, they said, the pre covid world was not a good place
The new normal has to be more normal, more equal
If not lets declare ourselves white collared workers in a cemetery
Everyone is unanimous about this ,its official now
That it is the best time to be  a gravedigger?

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